r.b.a. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Royal(Society of)British Artists
- r&b, r&b phrase, rhythm and blues
- r.b. phrase, Rifle Brigade
- r.b.s. phrase, Royal (Society of)British Sculptors
- r.h.b., r.h.b. phrase, right halfback, r.h.d. right-hand drive
- b. r. ambedkar 암베드카르
- bà rịa 바리어
- contemporary r&b 컨템퍼러리 알앤비
- f.r.i.b.a. phrase, Fellow of the Foyal Institute Of British Architects
- i.b.r.d. phrase, Intercontinental Bank for Reconstruction and Development=World Bank
- i.r.b. Irish Republican Britherhood,
- n.b.r phrase, North British Railway
- p.r.b. phrase, pre-paphaelite brotherhood
- r&b 발라드 Rhythm and blues ballads
- r. b. bennett R. B. 베넷
- r. b. 베넷 R. B. Bennett