r.i.a. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Royal Irish Academy
- i.r. phrase, Inland Revenue, intelligence ratio, Internal Revenue
- r.&i. phrase, =R.ET.I. R.I. x, R.et.I., Rhode Island, Royal Institute(Institution)
- r.i. phrase, R.et.I., Rhode Island, Royal Institute(Institution) R.&I. x, =R.ET.I.
- r.i.i.a. phrase, Royal Institute of International Affairs 국제 사정 연구회
- i.n.r.i., inri phrase, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum
- a.f.r.i.k.a. 아프리카 (2002년 영화)
- big k.r.i.t. 빅 K.R.I.T.
- c.s.i.r.o. phrase, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
- f.r.i.b.a. phrase, Fellow of the Foyal Institute Of British Architects
- g, r et i, phrase, Georgius Rex et Imperator
- i.b.r.d. phrase, Intercontinental Bank for Reconstruction and Development=World Bank
- i.o.r.m. phrase, Improved Order of Red Men
- i.r.a, ira phrase, individual retirement account, Irish Republican Army
- i.r.b. Irish Republican Britherhood,
- iro, i.r.o phrase, International Refugee Organization