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과실성 영어로


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  • culpability
  • 실성    실성 [失性] mental derangement; distraction; insanity; madness; (a) frenzy. ~하다 become mentally deranged[unbalanced]; go mad; become insane; lose one's head; go out of one's mind. 절망한 나머지 ~하여 in a frenz
  • 과실    과실 [果實]1 fruit(age); (낱낱의) a fruit; (딸기류) a berry. 작은 ~ a fruitlet. ~을 맺다(나무가) bear[produce] fruit / (꽃이) develop into fruit / fructify / fruit. ~을 재배하다 grow fruit.2 [수익] profits; returns; 『法』 frui
  • 의료 과실 의료 과실    Medical error
  • 견실성    solidity; consistency
  • 사실성    historicity
  • 성실성    성실성 [誠實性] sincerity; honesty; faithfulness; good faith; fidelity; truth. ~이 없다 lack[be wanting] in sincerity.
  • 실성증    aphony; aphonia
  • 실성한    bughouse; moonstruck; crazed
  • 진실성    진실성 [眞實性] [충실성] fidelity; allegiance; loyalty; devotion; [신빙·믿음성] the authority ; credibility; the truth ; veracity. 보고의 ~ the veracity of a report. ~을 의심하다 doubt the truth . 그의 말에는 ~이 없다 There is n
  • 확실성    surety; certainty; authenticity; confidence
  • 과실 기여    Contributory negligence
  • 과실 있는    culpable
  • 과실주    fruit wine; ratafia; ratafee
  • 무과실    무과실 [無過失]▷ 무과실 (손해) 배상 책임 no-fault liability for compensation.▷ 무과실 책임 『法』 strict[absolute / no-fault] liability; liability without (any) fault.▷ 무과실 책임주의 the principle[doctrine] of strict[absolute
  • 법정 과실    Negligence per se
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