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과실주 영어로

"과실주" 예문"과실주" 뜻"과실주" 중국어

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  • fruit wine
  • ratafia
  • ratafee
  • 실주    실주 [實株] a real stock; a spot share.
  • 과실    과실 [果實]1 fruit(age); (낱낱의) a fruit; (딸기류) a berry. 작은 ~ a fruitlet. ~을 맺다(나무가) bear[produce] fruit / (꽃이) develop into fruit / fructify / fruit. ~을 재배하다 grow fruit.2 [수익] profits; returns; 『法』 frui
  • 의료 과실 의료 과실    Medical error
  • 매실주    매실주 [梅實酒] Japanese apricot brandy.
  • 과실 기여    Contributory negligence
  • 과실 있는    culpable
  • 과실성    culpability
  • 무과실    무과실 [無過失]▷ 무과실 (손해) 배상 책임 no-fault liability for compensation.▷ 무과실 책임 『法』 strict[absolute / no-fault] liability; liability without (any) fault.▷ 무과실 책임주의 the principle[doctrine] of strict[absolute
  • 법정 과실    Negligence per se
  • 생과실    생과실 [生果實] unripe[green] fruits.
  • 풋과실    풋과실 [-果實] green[unripe] fruit.
  • 극사실주의    Hyperrealism (visual arts)
  • 사실주의    사실주의 [寫實主義] realism; literalism. ~의 대가 a master of realism.▷ 사실주의자 a realist; a realistic writer; a literalist.
  • 사실주의 화가    Realist painters
  • 사실주의의    cromulent; matter-of-fact; down-to-earth; sober
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