로그인 회원가입

귀여워하다 영어로

"귀여워하다" 뜻"귀여워하다" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 귀여워하다 love; be affectionate to; treat with affection; pet; make a pet of; be attached to; treat tenderly[kindly]; [애무하다] caress; fondle.
    귀여워하는 아이 one's pet[beloved] child / one's darling (child).
    개를 ~ make a pet of a dog.
    아이를 너무 ~ spoil[be overfond of] one's child.
    어머니들은 종종 아이들을 너무 귀여워한다 Mothers often spoil their children.
    아이는 인형을 귀여워했다 The child fondled her doll.
    그 부인은 나를 친자식처럼 귀여워합니다 She holds me as dear as her own child.
  • 귀여워하여    dear
  • 을 지나치게 귀여워하다    slobber over
  • 귀여워하는 동물    pet
  • 귀여워하는 아기    stroking; fondling; slap and tickle; soba
  • 노여워하다    노여워하다 be displeased by[with / at]; take offense at; feel hurt; feel displeasure over; be indignant over[at]; be given offense. 노여워하여 in resentment[indignation]. 남의 행동[말]에 ~ resent a person's actions
  • 귀여워    So Cute
  • 귀여워해서    foolishly; affectionately; tenderly
  • 어쨌든 귀여워    Fly Me to the Moon (manga)
  • 찬성 귀여워!    Sansei Kawaii!
  • 야옹멍멍 귀여워    Too Cute (TV series)
  • 겨워하다    겨워하다 feel something to be too much for one; feel something is more than one can manage; feel something is out of hand. 일을 (힘에) ~ feel the job is too much for one/ be loath to take on a job. 그 젊은 과부는
  • 고마워하다    고마워하다 [고맙게 여기다] be thankful ; feel grateful ; show one's gratitude; appreciate; be appreciative ; be obliged[indebted] . 그는 나의 사소한 친절을 몹시 고마워했다 He was very grateful to me for the little kindness I h
  • 괴로워하다    괴로워하다1 [고통을 느끼다] suffer ; feel[be in] pain; be afflicted . 갈증으로 ~ suffer from thirst. 그는 치통으로 괴로워하고 있다 He is suffering from toothache[ a toothache].2 [고민하다] be distressed; be worried ; worry oneself
  • 그리워하다    그리워하다 long[yearn / pine] for. ☞ 그리다1 고향을 ~ have a longing for home / be homesick / pine for home. 어머니의 모습을 ~ think of[remember] my (dead) mother. 옛 친구를 ~ yearn for one's old friend. 조국을 ~ long for o
  • 기꺼워하다    기꺼워하다 =기뻐하다.
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