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노여워하다 영어로

"노여워하다" 뜻"노여워하다" 중국어

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  • 노여워하다 be displeased by[with / at]; take offense at; feel hurt; feel displeasure over; be indignant over[at]; be given offense.
    노여워하여 in resentment[indignation].
    남의 행동[말]에 ~ resent a person's actions[remarks].
    그는 매우 노여워했다 He was very much displeased.
    그녀 말에 너무 노여워하지 마시오 Please do not be offended by her remark.
    그녀는 푸대접을 받고 그에게 노여워하고 있다 She is indignant with him over the treatment she received.
  • 귀여워하다    귀여워하다 love; be affectionate to; treat with affection; pet; make a pet of; be attached to; treat tenderly[kindly]; [애무하다] caress; fondle. 귀여워하는 아이 one's pet[beloved] child / one's darling (child). 개를
  • 을 지나치게 귀여워하다    slobber over
  • 귀여워하여    dear
  • 귀여워하는 동물    pet
  • 귀여워하는 아기    stroking; fondling; slap and tickle; soba
  • 겨워하다    겨워하다 feel something to be too much for one; feel something is more than one can manage; feel something is out of hand. 일을 (힘에) ~ feel the job is too much for one/ be loath to take on a job. 그 젊은 과부는
  • 고마워하다    고마워하다 [고맙게 여기다] be thankful ; feel grateful ; show one's gratitude; appreciate; be appreciative ; be obliged[indebted] . 그는 나의 사소한 친절을 몹시 고마워했다 He was very grateful to me for the little kindness I h
  • 괴로워하다    괴로워하다1 [고통을 느끼다] suffer ; feel[be in] pain; be afflicted . 갈증으로 ~ suffer from thirst. 그는 치통으로 괴로워하고 있다 He is suffering from toothache[ a toothache].2 [고민하다] be distressed; be worried ; worry oneself
  • 그리워하다    그리워하다 long[yearn / pine] for. ☞ 그리다1 고향을 ~ have a longing for home / be homesick / pine for home. 어머니의 모습을 ~ think of[remember] my (dead) mother. 옛 친구를 ~ yearn for one's old friend. 조국을 ~ long for o
  • 기꺼워하다    기꺼워하다 =기뻐하다.
  • 더워하다    더워하다 be sensitive to the heat; feel the heat; complain of the heat; feel hot[heat]; suffer from the heat; swelter. 몹시도 더워하는구나 How you feel the heat! 아기가 더워하는 것 같다 The baby seems to feel hot. 그는 뚱뚱해서
  • 두려워하다    두려워하다1 [무서워하다] fear; dread; be afraid[fearful] of; stand in fear of; be frightened[scared / terrified] at; have a horror[dread] of; be overawed. 두려워하여 with fear / in fearfulness / in horror / in a f
  • 뜨거워하다    뜨거워하다 feel hot; find hot. 어린애가 국을 뜨거워한다 The child finds the soup too hot.
  • 매워하다    매워하다 find hot[spicy / sharp / pungent]; feel too hot. 고추를 많이 치지 않았는데도 그는 국을 매워한다 Although I didn't put much red pepper in the soup, he finds it too hot.
  • 무서워하다    무서워하다 fear; be afraid ; be frightened ; be scared ; be in fear ; be in a fright; be timid ; be nervous (▶ be afraid는 일반적인 말로 항상 무서워하고 있는 데 대해, be frightened는 놀람을 동반한 두려움, be scared는 be frightened와 거
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