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그맘때 영어로

"그맘때" 예문"그맘때" 뜻

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  • 그맘때 about that time; that time of day[night / year].
    사과는 ~가 제일 맛난다 That is the time when apples taste most delicious.
    ~의 천 원은 내게 큰 돈이었다 For me in those days a thousand won was a big amount (of money).
    ~가 사내로서 한창 기운이 왕성한 때다 Men are most vigorous at that time of life.
    ~까지는 일이 끝날 것입니다 My work will be finished by that time.
    나도 ~는 무척 장난이 심했다 I was quite naughty when I was that age.
  • 고맘때    고맘때 ☞ 그맘때
  • 이맘때    이맘때 about[around] this time; at this time of (the) day[night / year]; at this hour of the day[morning / evening / night]. 바로 ~ at this point of time. 진달래는 해마다 ~ 핀다 Azaleas bloom about this time ever
  • 저맘때    저맘때 that time of (the) day[month / year]; that hour of the day[morning / evening / night]. 아이들은 ~에는 장난이 심하다 Children usually are naughty at about that age. 나는 ~는 희망에 불탔었다 When I was his age, I was
  • 그말리    gemalli
  • 그만하다    그만하다1 [웬만하다] tolerable; so-so. 그의 학교 성적은 ~ His school record it tolerable. 장사는 잘됩니까? 그만합니다 How's business? Oh, not too bad. / Well, I can't complain. 환자의 병세는 ~ The patient is getting neither better
  • 그멜린땃쥐    Gmelin's white-toothed shrew
  • 그만하게    customarily; prevalently; widely; more often than not; as a rule; popularly; regularly; standardly; usually; conventionally
  • 그모피    coon
  • 그만큼$2$    the
  • 그무엘    kemuel
  • 그만큼$1$    that
  • 그문덴    Gmunden
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