저맘때 영어로
"저맘때" 뜻
영어 번역
- 저맘때
that time of (the) day[month / year]; that hour of the day[morning / evening / night].
아이들은 ~에는 장난이 심하다 Children usually are naughty at about that age.
나는 ~는 희망에 불탔었다 When I was his age, I was full of hope.
- 고맘때 고맘때 ☞ 그맘때
- 그맘때 그맘때 about that time; that time of day[night / year]. 사과는 ~가 제일 맛난다 That is the time when apples taste most delicious. ~의 천 원은 내게 큰 돈이었다 For me in those days a thousand won was a big amount (of money
- 이맘때 이맘때 about[around] this time; at this time of (the) day[night / year]; at this hour of the day[morning / evening / night]. 바로 ~ at this point of time. 진달래는 해마다 ~ 핀다 Azaleas bloom about this time ever
- 저만하다 저만하다1 [크기·정도가 서로 비슷하다] that much; as much[many / big / large / long / wide] as that. 저만한 크기의 것을 보여 주시오 Show me the one as large as that. 저만한 재능이 있는 사람이면 어디를 가나 실직하는 일은 없을 것이다 Such a talented man[A m
- 저만큼 저만큼 [저만한 정도로] to that extent[degree]; that. ~ 열심히 연습하지 않으면 숙달하지 않는다 You will not make progress unless you practice that hard. 나는 피아노를 ~ 잘 치지 못한다 I can't play the piano so well as that[that well]. ~
- 저먼 German
- 저마다의 respective
- 저먼 셰퍼드 German Shepherd
- 저마다 저마다 each (one); every one; respectively. ~ 제가 옳다고 한다 Every man claims that he himself is right. 사람에게는 ~ 호불호가 있다 Each man has his own likes and dislikes. 그들은 ~ 다른 길을 가기로 했다 They each have decided to
- 저먼 와이어헤어드 포인터 German Wirehaired Pointer
- 저마늄 화합물 Germanium compounds
- 저먼 윙스 German Wings