대로$1$ 영어로
영어 번역
- broad way
- 대로 대로1 […처럼] as; like; [그 모양과 같이] as it is; as it stands; intact; [본떠서] after. 종전 ~ as hitherto. 있는 그~의 인생 life as it is. 느낀 ~ 이야기하다 speak just as one feels. 글씨본 ~ 쓰다 write after a model handwriting. 내
- 미친 척하고 성경 말씀대로 살아본 1년 The Year of Living Biblically
- 간대로 간대로 so easily; too cheap; readily. 혼담이란 것은 ~되는 것이 아니다 Marriage cannot be arranged in a rough and ready manner.
- 그대로 그대로 as it is[stands]; in the same way as before; like that; that way; intact; untouched. 있는 ~의 사실 a plain[an unvarnished / a straight / an undisguised] fact. 있는 ~를 말하다 give an accurate account / te
- 대로트 trevenant
- 되는 대로 just the same; anyhoo; algate; anyway; regardless; anywho; at any rate; anyhow; in any event; anyways; in any case
- 등대로 To the Lighthouse
- 맘대로 up yours
- 멋대로 멋대로 as one pleases[likes / wishes]; [자유 의사로] freely; of one's own accord; of one's (own) free will; [독단적으로] at one's (own) discretion; arbitrarily; [무단히] without leave[permission]. ~ 굴다 act as one p
- 반대로 vice versa; contrary; conversely; contrariwise
- 선셋 대로 Sunset Boulevard
- 오대로 Council of Five Elders
- 이대로 이대로 as it is[stands]; as one is; like this. 의사를 불러요, 환자를 ~ 방치할 수는 없으니까 Call[Send for] a doctor -- we can't leave the sick man like this. 서류에는 손대지 말고 ~ 놓아 두라 Don't touch the papers; leave them just a
- 저대로 저대로 as it is[stands]; like that; in that condition. ~가 좋다 I like that better as it is. 그 사건을 ~ 두어서는 안 된다 The matter cannot be allowed to stand as it is. / We cannot afford to leave[let] the matter a
- 절대로 절대로 [絶對-] absolutely; positively; unconditionally. ~ 필요[불가능]하다 be absolutely necessary[impossible]. ~ 금하다 prohibit positively. ~ 그에게 말하지 마라 No matter what[Whatever you do], don't mention it to him.