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뒤집음 영어로

"뒤집음" 예문"뒤집음" 뜻"뒤집음" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • disquieting
  • unsettling
  • distressing
  • off-putting
  • worrisome
  • 흙을 긁어 뒤집음    scarification
  • 뒤집개    spatula
  • 뒤집다    뒤집다1 [안팎을 뒤바꾸다] turn inside out; turn the other side; turn wrong side out; turn upside down; reverse; (카드의 겉면을 위로) turn up; (호주머니 등을) turn out. 뒤집어 말하면 to put (it) the other way / stated reversely.
  • 뒤집은    obverse; back to front
  • 뒤집힌    capsized; reverse
  • 까뒤집다    까뒤집다 turn inside out. 남의 눈을 ~ roll back a person's eyelids / roll the lids back from a person's eyes.
  • 뒤집개질    뒤집개질 an upset; an overthrow; an overturn. ~하다 upset; overturn; tip[turn](it) over.
  • 뒤집는 것    turner
  • 뒤집는 사람    turner
  • 뒤집는 주걱    turner
  • 뒤집어 엎는    unsettling; distressing; off-putting; worrisome; disquieting
  • 뒤집어 엎다    keel; overthrow; turn up; overset; discomfit; overturn
  • 뒤집어서    reversed; inside out
  • 뒤집어쓰다    뒤집어쓰다1 (머리에) put on; wear; cover. 모자를 ~ wear a hat. 그 여자는 수건을 뒤집어썼다 She covered her head with a towel.2 (온몸에) cover with; put on; draw[pull] over. 담요를 ~ be wrapped[wrap oneself] up in a blanket / wr
  • 뒤집어엎기    topsy-turvy
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