들이대다 영어로
"들이대다" 예문"들이대다" 뜻
영어 번역
- 들이대다1 [바싹 가져다 대다] thrust before ; put[place] under nose; point at[to / toward].
권총을 ~ point[aim] a revolver at .
단도를 들이대고 협박하다 threaten with a dagger.
증거를 ~ bring forward evidence / thrust proofs before .
남에게 터무니없는 요구를 ~ force[thrust] an unreasonable demand on a person.
우리는 그에게 증거를 들이대어 자백시켰다 We thrust the evidence at him and made him own up.
그들은 칼[총]을 들이대고 나를 협박했다 They threatened me at knifepoint[gunpoint].2 [대들다] resist openly; defy; protest; go at; challenge.
윗사람에게 ~ set oneself against one's superior.
진상을 밝히라고 ~ press to disclose the truth.
그는 월급을 올려야 한다고 사장에게 들이댔다 He protested to his president that his salary ought to be raised.3 [공급하다] supply continuously; provide constantly.
장사 밑천을 ~ keep supplied with business fund.
- 막대 따위를 들이대다 poke
- 뿔 따위를 들이대다 poke
- 코 따위를 들이대다 poke
- 이대 ewha women’s university; ithai
- 대다 대다11 [접촉시키다] put; apply; hold; place; lay; press. 수화기를 귀에 ~ hold a receiver to one's ear. 망원경을 눈에 ~ apply one's eyes to a telescope. 청진기를 가슴에 ~ put a stethoscope to chest. 그는 문에 귀를 대었다 He pressed h
- 들이 -들이 (capable of) holding ‥; containing. 10정~ 갑 a package containing ten pills. 2리터~ 병 a two-liter bottle / a bottle capable of containing 2 liters.
- 이대량 Li Daliang
- 이대로 이대로 as it is[stands]; as one is; like this. 의사를 불러요, 환자를 ~ 방치할 수는 없으니까 Call[Send for] a doctor -- we can't leave the sick man like this. 서류에는 손대지 말고 ~ 놓아 두라 Don't touch the papers; leave them just a
- 이대명 Lee Dae-myung
- 이대속 Pseudosasa
- 이대수 Lee Dae-soo
- 이대역 ewha woman’s university station
- 이대연 Lee Dae-yeon
- 이대은 Rhee Dae-eun
- 이대형 Lee Dae-hyung
- You ever point a gun at me again, you'd be a fool not to use it.
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