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버덩 영어로

"버덩" 뜻

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  • 버덩 a barren plateau; a waste land overrun with weeds; a moor.
  • 절버덩    절버덩 with a plop. 그는 강에 ~ 떨어졌다 He fell into the river with a plop. / He fell plop into the river. ~하다 =절버덩거리다.
  • 철버덩    철버덩 ☞ 절버덩
  • 절버덩거리다    절버덩거리다 splash[fall plop] into the water.
  • 버다나    Verdana
  • 버닝의 수상 및 후보 목록    List of accolades received by Burning
  • 버데믹: 쇼크 앤드 테러    Birdemic: Shock and Terror
  • 버닝썬 게이트    Burning Sun scandal
  • 버둥거리다    버둥거리다 (kick and) struggle; squirm; wriggle; writhe; flounder ; (말 등이) paw the ground[air]. 고통으로 ~ writhe in pain. 살려고 ~ struggle to make a living. 경관의 손에서 빠져나가려고 ~ try to struggle loose[to twist awa
  • 버닝 포스    Burning Force
  • 버둥거림    ruffle; flounce; irritated movement
  • 버닝 시티    Original Gangstas
  • 버둥버둥    버둥버둥 struggling; wriggling; floundering. ~하다 =버둥거리다.
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