로그인 회원가입

부러워하다 영어로

"부러워하다" 예문"부러워하다" 뜻"부러워하다" 중국어

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  • 부러워하다 envy; be envious[jealous] of; feel envy of.
    남의 성공을 ~ be[feel] envious of another's success / envy a person his success.
    몹시 ~ <口> be green with envy.
    부러워하지 않다 <口> feel no envy .
    그는 친구의 승진을 부러워하고 있다 He envies his friend his promotion. / He is envious[jealous] of his friend for being promoted.
    그는 학교 성적이 좋아서 반동무들이 그를 부러워하고 있다 He is envied by his classmates for his good school record. / He is the envy of his classmates because of his good school record.
    그는 결코 부자를 부러워하지 않는다 He is never envious of the people for their wealth.
    그 따위 지위는 부러워할 것이 못된다 Such a position is not to be envied.
    우리 아버지의 직업은 모두가 부러워할 만한 것이다 My father's job is an enviable one. / Everyone is envious of my father's job.
  • 부러워하는    jealous; begrudging; avaricious; jaundiced; green-eyed
  • 부러워하늢    invidious; covetous grudging; envious; jealous; green with envy
  • 서러워하다    서러워하다 grieve ; be grieved ; be sad ; feel sad ; be sorrowful; feel sorrow ; have a heavy[broken] heart; [통탄하다] deplore; lament; mourn ; regret. 서러워하여 in sorrow / sorrowfully. 어머니의 죽음을 ~ mourn[lament
  • 부끄러워하다    부끄러워하다1 [수줍어하다] be[feel] shy; be abashed; be bashful; be coy. 부끄러워하여 shyly / bashfully. 부끄러워 말고 의견을 말하시오 Don't be shy about giving your opinion. 그 소년은 칭찬을 받자 부끄러워하는 것 같았다 He looked abashed when he w
  • 부끄러워하게 하다    shame
  • 부끄러워하는    shy; shamefaced; ashamed; embarrassed; bashful; humiliated
  • 부끄러워하여    embarrassed; shamefaced; ashamed
  • 몹시 부러워해서    green with envy
  • 부러워할 것 없는    undesirable
  • 부끄러워하지 않는    unblushing; unashamed
  • 간지러워 하다    kittle
  • 겨워하다    겨워하다 feel something to be too much for one; feel something is more than one can manage; feel something is out of hand. 일을 (힘에) ~ feel the job is too much for one/ be loath to take on a job. 그 젊은 과부는
  • 고마워하다    고마워하다 [고맙게 여기다] be thankful ; feel grateful ; show one's gratitude; appreciate; be appreciative ; be obliged[indebted] . 그는 나의 사소한 친절을 몹시 고마워했다 He was very grateful to me for the little kindness I h
  • 괴로워하다    괴로워하다1 [고통을 느끼다] suffer ; feel[be in] pain; be afflicted . 갈증으로 ~ suffer from thirst. 그는 치통으로 괴로워하고 있다 He is suffering from toothache[ a toothache].2 [고민하다] be distressed; be worried ; worry oneself
  • 귀여워하다    귀여워하다 love; be affectionate to; treat with affection; pet; make a pet of; be attached to; treat tenderly[kindly]; [애무하다] caress; fondle. 귀여워하는 아이 one's pet[beloved] child / one's darling (child). 개를
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