석간신문 영어로
"석간신문" 예문"석간신문" 뜻
영어 번역
- Evening newspapers
- 월간신문 monthly newspaper
- 일간신문 daily newspaper; journal; daily
- 주간신문 weekly newspaper
- 나라별 일간신문 Daily newspapers by country
- 나라별 주간신문 Weekly newspapers by country
- 영국의 일간신문 Daily newspapers published in the United Kingdom
- 영국의 주간신문 Weekly newspapers published in the United Kingdom
- 일본의 일간신문 Daily newspapers published in Japan
- 석간 석간 [夕刊] [석간지] an evening paper; (조간에 대하여) an evening edition. 나는 그 기사를 대한 신문의 ~에서 읽었다 I read the story in the evening edition of the Dai-Han Shinmun.▷ 석간 신문 an evening paper.
- 대한민국의 일간신문 Daily newspapers published in South Korea
- 일간신문을 제외한 정기 간행물 periodical
- 석간주 석간주 [石間] 『地』 red ocher[ochre]; terra rosa.
- 철석간장 철석 간장 [鐵石肝腸] a hard heart; an iron[adamantine] will; a steadfast resolution. ~이 녹다 get captivated / one's firm purpose[iron will] gives way / one's steadfast resolution is shaken. ~을 녹이다 disarm ha
- 간신히 간신히 [艱辛-] [겨우] barely; narrowly; hardly; by the skin of one's teeth; by a (near) shave; [힘겹게] laboriously; with difficulty; [애써서] with an[much] effort; [근근히] just; only. ~ 도망치다 escape narrowly[by a