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유럽재정안정기금 영어로

"유럽재정안정기금" 중국어

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  • European Financial Stability Facility
  • 안정기    ballast
  • 종신정기금    Annuity (European)
  • 기금    기금 [基金] a fund; a foundation; an endowment. 감채(減債) ~ a sinking fund. 구제 ~ a relief fund. 국제 통화 ~ the International Monetary Fund(略 IMF). 공동 ~ a common purse. 전도 ~ a mission fund. ~을 설정하다 create[esta
  • 재정    재정 [再訂] a second revision. ~하다 revise again[a second time].▷ 재정판 a second revised edition.재정 [財政] finance(s); financial affairs ; economy. 건전[흑자] ~ sound[balanced] finance. 국가 ~ national finance. 시
  • 클럽재    Club good
  • 안정    안정 [安定] stability; stabilization; steadiness; [균형] equilibrium; balance; [침착] settlement; composure. 물가[경제 / 통화]의 ~ price[economic / currency] stabilization. 생활의 ~ the stabilization[stability] of li
  • 재정 재정    Public finance
  • 정기    정기 [丁幾] =팅크.정기 [正氣]1 [천지의 원기] the spirit which animates and controls the universe.2 [바른 기풍] the fair and equitable spirit; righteousness.정기 [定期] a fixed period[term]. ~의[적인] regular / periodic(al).
  • 수정안    수정안 [修正案] (원안의) a draft amendment; a proposed revision; [수정된 안] an amendment; a revised[an amended] bill. ~을 제출하다 propose[put forward] an amendment .
  • 정안국    jeong-ahn kingdom
  • 정안현    Zheng'an County
  • 채정안    Chae Jung-an
  • 재정 정책 재정 정책    Fiscal policy
  • 정안왕후    Queen Jeongan
  • rinet 기금    rinet funds
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