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지레짐작으로 영어로

"지레짐작으로" 예문

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  • beforehand
  • 지레짐작    지레 짐작 [-斟酌] [미리 넘겨짚는 짐작] a guess[conjecture] made in advance; presupposition; a hasty conclusion[deduction]. ~하다 guess[conjecture] beforehand; presuppose; form[come to] a hasty[rash] conclusion; mak
  • 어림 짐작으로 말하다    guess
  • 짐작    짐작 [斟酌] [어림] guess; guesswork; (a) presumption; (a) conjecture; (an) inference; (an) estimation; (a) surmise; [판단] judgment. 눈~ eye measure / measuring by (the) eye. 손~ measuring roughly with one's
  • 비디오 게임을 원작으로 한 영화 목록    List of films based on video games
  • 지레    지레1 [지렛대] a lever; a handspike. ~의 작용 the action of levers / leverage. ~로 들어올리다 raise with a lever / lever up / prise / prize.지레2 [미리] beforehand; in advance; prematurely; [성급히] overhastily; witho
  • 단숨에 연속 동작으로 머리 위까지 들어올리다    snatch
  • 국제 레짐    International regime
  • 겉짐작    겉짐작 a rough guess[estimate] (based on appearances); a random guess. 그것은 ~에 지나지 않습니다 It's mere guesswork. ~하다 guess; make a rough estimate; make a random guess.
  • 눈짐작    눈짐작 =눈대중.
  • 속짐작    속짐작 a guess; a conjecture; a surmise; one's estimation.
  • 어림 짐작    shot
  • 틀린 짐작    boss
  • 앙시앵 레짐    Ancien Régime
  • 앙시앵 레짐 공직    Ancien Régime office-holders
  • 모지레    Municipality of Mozirje
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