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지력 영어로

"지력" 예문"지력" 뜻"지력" 중국어

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  • 지력 [地力] fertility (of soil); 『理』 terrestrial gravitation.
    ~이 떨어졌다 The productivity of the soil has dropped[decreased].▷ 지력 체감 [-遞減] decreasing fertility.지력 [智力] [사물을 헤아리는 능력] intellectual[mental / brain] power; mental capacity[faculties]; intellect; intelligence; mentality; brains.
    ~이 발달된 intelligent / intellectual.
    그의 ~은 12세된 아이와 같다 He has a mentality of a 12-year-old child. / His I.Q.[mental] age is not above 12.
    그녀는 나보다 체력은 떨어지지만 ~은 훨씬 뛰어나다 She is physically weaker than I am, but mentally far superior.
  • 유지력    retention
  • 의지력    will power; self-command; self-will; volition; will; willpower
  • 지력선    지력선 [指力線] 『理』 lines of force; [자력선] a line of magnetic force.
  • 지력의    rational; noetic; intellective
  • 지력상으로    psychically
  • 지력의 범위    ken
  • 지력이 없는    inane; airheaded; shit-for-brains; dumb; fatuous; dull-minded; unintelligent; asinine; stupid; addled; brainless
  • 지력이 있는    knowledgeable
  • 가공의 예지력자    Fictional characters with precognition
  • 지상기반 전략 억지력    Ground Based Strategic Deterrent
  • 지려    지려 [智慮] [슬기로운 생각] prudence; wisdom.
  • 지렛목    지렛목 [지레를 받치는 점] a fulcrum .
  • 지렛대    lever; heaver; purchase
  • 지레짐작으로    beforehand
  • 지레짐작    지레 짐작 [-斟酌] [미리 넘겨짚는 짐작] a guess[conjecture] made in advance; presupposition; a hasty conclusion[deduction]. ~하다 guess[conjecture] beforehand; presuppose; form[come to] a hasty[rash] conclusion; mak


  • This secret tool allows us to summon the full measure of our brainpower and talent on demand without hesitation.
    이 은밀한 공구는 우리들을 충분한 것 주저없이 우리의 지력 그리고 재능 주문으로 소환하는 허용한다.
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