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첫눈 영어로

"첫눈" 예문"첫눈" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 첫눈1 [일견] a first look[glance / glimpse / sight].
    그는 ~에 그 여자한테 반했다 He fell in love with her at first sight.
    나는 ~에 그 집이 마음에 들었다 I took a fancy to the house at first sight.첫눈2 [초설] the first snow(fall) of the season.
    어젯밤에 ~이 내렸다 It snowed last night for the first time this year.
  • 첫눈 (영화)    Virgin Snow
  • 첫눈에    at preliminary glance; at first view; at first sight
  • 첫눈에 반한 사랑    Love at first sight
  • 첫눈에 사랑    love at first sight
  • 첫눈이 사라졌다    Never Gonna Snow Again
  • 첫낯    첫낯 an unfamiliar face; a stranger; a first meeting.
  • 첫날밤    첫날밤 the bridal[first] night; the first night of a married couple.
  • 첫날    첫날 the first day[night]; the opening day; (연극의) the premiere. 학년의 ~ the first day of school[of the school year]. 공연 ~ the first[opening] day[night]. ~ 공연을 놓치지 않는 사람 (연극의) a first-nighter. 회의의 ~ the
  • 첫나들이    첫나들이 (갓난아이의) going out for the first time after one's birth; (신부의) the first outing of a bride marriage. ~하다 go out for the first time after one's birth; (신부가) make her first post-marriage outing;
  • 첫길    첫길1 [초행길] an unaccustomed course[route]; one's first trip ; a road one is on for the first time. ~이 되어 생소하다 I am not familiar with the road.2 [신행길] the way to one's wedding.


  • Joe, you're going to see your first snow. It's so exciting!
    조, 우리 첫눈 보러 갈 거란다
  • If we don't get this harvest in before the first snow, we won't have enough food for winter.
    첫눈 오기 전에 추수 못하면 겨울을 날 수가 없어
  • In Sapporo the first snowfall is in November, and the volume of snow picks up in late January to early February.
    삿포로에서는 11월에 첫눈, 1월 말~2월 초에는 적설량이 증가! 겨울의 오타루
  • Although at first sight, this game may appear to be an another classic "shoot'em all", but in fact, it is largely inspired by the rescuing in helicopter game, Choplifter.
    비록에서 첫눈, 이 게임 처럼 보일 수는 ' 쏴 모두 "클래식, 사실, 주로 구조 헬리콥터 게임에 의해 영감을, Choplifter.
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