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  • 팍팍 ☞ 퍽퍽


  • Unlike Columbia, this institute is 100% behind us.
    컬럼비아 대학과 달리 이 학교에선 우릴 팍팍 밀어줘
  • You've got glamour, Frances. You're like an East End starlet.
    귀티 팍팍 난다 신인 여배우 같아
  • Is she fine with you just doing music?
    너 음악만 하라고 팍팍 밀어줘?
  • When we are about to rape her, you show up and pan!
    그러려고 할 때 형님이 짠 하고 나타나서 저희들을 팍팍 팍팍!
  • When we are about to rape her, you show up and pan!
    그러려고 할 때 형님이 짠 하고 나타나서 저희들을 팍팍 팍팍!
  • I could sense that quite intensely as I read.
    그런 느낌이 팍팍 전해지더군요
  • Harder, man. Yeah, really get in there.
    더 세게, 팍팍 박아요
  • But when Papa Rudy's happy, his dogs get a double ration of food.
    기분이 좋을 땐 개한테 간식을 팍팍 주죠
  • Ooh, that tsa shit tingles.
    오.. TSA 삘이 팍팍 오는구만
  • We start replacing those kids.
    알을 팍팍 더 낳는 겁니다
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