r.o.p. 뜻
- phrase, run-of-paper발행인이 지정하는 광고 지면
- p.o.r., por: phrase, payable on receipt화물 인환불
- s, p, o, r,: phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus(L, =the Senate and People of Roman), small profits and quick returns
- p.r.: phrase, parliamentary reports, populus romanus, proportional representation비례 대표, puerto rico
- p.r.a.: phrase, president of the Royal academy
- s, p, r: phrase, Society for Physical Research
- p.o: 피오
- ppr., p.p.r.: phrase, present participle
- p.o.o.: phrase, Post Office Order우편환
- r.o.: phrase, Receiving Office, Regimental Order, Royal Observatory R/O x, rule out
- r/o: phrase, rule out R.O. x, Receiving Office, Regimental Order, Royal Observatory
- s, r, o,: phrase, Standing Room Only
- c.p.r.: phrase, Canadian (Central) Pacific Railway
- c.p.r.e.: phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- p.r.b.: phrase, pre-paphaelite brotherhood