따라하기 영어로
- 따라하다: repeat
- 따라하세요: please repeat after me
- 따라: like; according; in agreement with; by; as
- 하기: 하기 [下記] the writing given below; the following; the undermentioned statements[paragraphs]. ~와 같이 as in the following / as follows / as undermentioned[underwritten] / as given[listed] hereunder. ~의 t
- 프라하 프라하: Prague
- 그에 따라: thereafter; as a result
- 따라서: 따라서 [그러므로] so; accordingly; consequently; therefore; hence; for that reason; (so) that. ~ 이상과 같다(증서의 문구) Therefore as above. / Such is the purpose of the document. 품질이 좋으니 ~ 값도 비싸다 The article is of
- 따라지: 따라지1 [키와 몸이 몹시 작은 사람] a dwarf; a pigmy; a shorty; a midget.2 [노름의 한 끗] one point; the lowest point[hand] (in a card game).3 [따분한 존재] a miserable existence. ~ 생활을 하다 live[lead] a wretched life.▷ 따라지
- 따라큐: mimikyu
- 딴따라: Entertainer (TV series)
- 에 따라: agreeably; according to
- 예에 따라: on average; typically; standardly
- 함에 따라: as
- 라하 (칠레): Laja, Chile
- 라하무: Lahamu