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annabel 예문


  • I came here today from Boston to thank Annabel.
    제가 오늘 온 겁니다 보스턴에서 애나벨에게 감사를 전하려고요
  • My daughter is Annabel Beam. That's her right there.
    제 딸은 애나 빔이에요 저기 쟤요
  • Oh, and Annabel Arden, please come home.
    그리고... 애너벨 아덴 제발 집으로 와
  • So, tell me, do you prefer Anna or Annabel?
    말해봐 애나가 좋아, 애나벨이 좋아?
  • Christy, we just want you to know that we're prayin' for Annabel.
    우리 모두 애나를 위해 기도하고 있어요
  • And this is me. I'm Annabel Beam.
    이게 저예요 애나벨 빔
  • Say, "Bye-bye." - Bye-bye, Annabel.
    잘 가라, 잘 가, 애나벨
  • Ten-year-old Annabel Beam from Burleson, Texas fell 30 feet headfirst down a tree.
    텍사스 벌레슨의 10살 소녀 애나벨 빔은 9미터 높이 나무에서 떨어졌는데
  • Annabel, look at me. Don't say that! I am here trying to help you!
    엄마 봐, 그런 말 마 엄만 널 도와주려고...
  • Kevin, Adelynn, Annabel, let's go!
    케빈, 애들린, 애나벨 서둘러!
  • Unfortunately, um, I'm afraid that Annabel appears to have a very severe intestinal motility disorder.
    유감스럽게도 애나는 아주 심한 장운동 장애 증세를 갖고 있습니다
  • Annabel, it's been five days.
    5일이나 안 씻었어
  • Ever since Annabel went missing.
    애너벨이 실종됐을 때부터
  • Hey, I was wonderin' if you... Maybe you'd be able to put Annabel on the phone.
    혹시 애나벨 좀 바꿔줄 수 있어?
  • Well, you could tell me why a loving God would let Annabel suffer the way she has.
    왜 사랑의 하나님이 애나에게 그런 고통을 주시는지 가르쳐주세요
  • We're gonna take good care of your daughter, all right? Little girl named Annabel, about 10 years old.
    애나벨이라는 10살 여자애다
  • Hi there, this is Christy Beam. I was referred by Dr. Samuel Nurko up in Boston, regarding my daughter, Annabel Beam.
    크리스티 빔이에요 누코 박사님이 추천해 주셔서요
  • It's been three hours since 10-year-old Annabel Beam fell headfirst three stories down the center of this giant hollowed-out tree.
    10살 소녀 애나 빔이 속이 빈 3층 높이 나무 속으로 떨어진 지 3시간 째입니다
  • Ten-year-old Annabel Beam fell into a hollowed-out cottonwood tree she and her sister were climbing and plunged 30 feet to the bottom.
    10살 소녀 애나벨 빔은 속이 빈 나무에 언니와 올라갔다가 9미터 아래로 추락했습니다
  • Dominatrix annabel black leggings, stiletto boots
    지배자 의 애나벨 블랙 레깅스, 단검 부츠
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