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complicity 예문


  • A happy relationship based on love, complicity, sharing, listening... and until a few hours ago, fidelity.
    맘도 뜻도 척척 맞는 뭐든 공유하고 들어주는 커플 몇 시간 전까진
  • I often remember the games we played as children, that complicity that brought us together, our quarrels, our enthusiasm and that brotherly love that has disappeared and which I miss so much.
    때때로 어렸을적 어울려서 하던 놀이가 생각나 한데 뭉쳐서 다퉈가며 열심히던 추억들이 너무 그리워
  • His accomplice was convicted of rape and complicity in the murder and sentenced to 18 years in prison.
    2009.02.27 고무카이미나코, 그라비아 모델 각성제복용 혐의로 징역 1년6개월에 집혱유예3년 선고
  • In 1945 his other son was executed when declared guilty of complicity in a plot to kill Hitler.
    그의 다른 아들 1945년 음모에 히틀러를 죽일 때 죄책감 공모의 선언을 처형했다.